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El sitio web se ha traducido al Español con la ayuda de humanos e IA


Land Acknowledgement

A land acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes that we benefit from owning or existing on lands that were taken without consent from Native Nations who have lived here for tens of thousands of years. The purpose of posting publicly on our website is to show support for Native Nations and their citizens today and to point out that colonization has ongoing negative effects on the sovereignty, cultures, languages, and overall humanity of Indigenous peoples.

Since our founding, Media.Monks has had offices in the San Fernando Valley, which is located on the ancestral and unceded lands of the Tongva People.

Media.Monks is dedicated to uplifting voices that have traditionally been left out of technology and business. Part of that work is to recognize the full history of our country. We are committed to educating ourselves about Indigenous peoples’ history and present-day realities.

Elija su idioma

Elija su idioma

El sitio web se ha traducido al Español con la ayuda de humanos e IA
