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The website has been translated to English with the help of Humans and AI


Hello 👋

Here’s to gifts that keep on giving.

With the holiday season upon us, we wanted to show our appreciation for your partnership and collaboration over the past year. As a thank you from The Marcom Engine, we hope you enjoy this gift that gives back.

Tanzania Trees 1
Happy Holidays




With thanks

Wishing you and yours a peaceful and relaxing holiday season. We’re looking forward to seeing you in the new year! 🙌

About this initiative

Your trees will be planted in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania, an area in dire need of protection.

Usambara Biodiversity Conservation Tanzania map

The Eastern Arc Mountain range of Tanzania is a unique biodiversity hotspot, under threat from ongoing population growth. Preserving Biodiversity in the Eastern Arc Mountains rainforest is the primary goal of this project.

Key issues being addressed are: reversing the serious deforestation around Forest Nature Reserve, providing environmental conservation education, and alleviation of poverty through agroforestry.

Know that your support matters.

Tanzania is experiencing devastating deforestation rates. From local settlement and agricultural expansion to increased commercial production, overgrazing and uncontrolled fires, there’s no single culprit.

Projects like this are vital to reduce the reliance on forest resources in local communities while helping to cover farming areas and compensate for lost biodiversity.

We support the Tanzanian people.

The impact of climate change on food supply is a growing concern for local communities in Tanzania. We support this project, and the need to work with local farmers to increase crop production via sustainable practices.

New trees planted will also help to improve soil fertility and make land more resilient to climate change, create sustainable sources of income and reduce pressure on natural forests.

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The website has been translated to English with the help of Humans and AI
