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Prime Day Strategy: 7 Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Commerce Commerce, Retail media, Seasonal marketing, eCommerce Platforms 4 min read
Profile picture for user Amberleigh Benner

Written by
Amberleigh Benner
Director of Account Management

Common mistakes and pitfalls for Prime Day.

Prime Day offers incredible opportunities but can also be chaotic, leading to potential mistakes. To maximize your success, avoid common pitfalls and implement strategies that protect your brand. Steering clear of these blunders can save you time, money and effort, ensuring a smoother and more successful Prime Day experience. Here’s how. 

First, brands must understand consumer behavior, price sensitivity and brand loyalty on Amazon. Amazon shoppers are very price-conscious and will often hunt for the best deals, unless they are specifically loyal to a brand. Shoppers looking for generic items, like paper towels, will likely choose the option that offers the most value for their money, making it essential to consider your pricing strategy compared to other paid results. Even if competitors don’t have the exact same product, shoppers often think in terms of value and quantity. Additionally, some brands overlook the fact that increased traffic during Prime Day comes from deal-seeking shoppers. They’re not visiting the site for full-priced products, so offering compelling deals is necessary to capitalize on the increased traffic. 

Avoid these mistakes for Prime Day success. 

Mistakes are inevitable when crafting a strategy, and there’s no perfect formula since you can’t predict what other brands will do. Here are some frequent mistakes and how to avoid them: 

Mistake #1: Starting aggressive bidding and budget increases at the last minute. Many brands ramp up their bids and budgets either the day of the event or just a few days before, which puts them behind.

Don’t wait until the last minute to ramp up. Discuss and decide on your Prime Day products, promotions, budgets and inventory months before Prime Day. Strategically plan your promotions, inventory and advertising efforts well in advance to build momentum and maximize visibility.

Mistake #2: Pushing new or less relevant products that don’t have a proven sales history. Amazon's algorithm-driven platform can make launching new products on Prime Day challenging.

Push proven products, not newbies. Focus on products with a strong sales history, good category rankings and sales velocity. Launch new products ahead of Prime Day to build momentum, gain reviews and start the flywheel effect. Use Prime Day as a catalyst to boost visibility and sales for these products. This helps you capitalize on the increased traffic while ensuring your products have the necessary reviews and traction.

Mistake #3: Indiscriminately throwing discounts at everything. Your promotions need to be compelling and competitively priced. If your discount is 10% off but your main competitor offers 30% off, you'll be at a disadvantage.

Make your discounts count. Focus on a select assortment of products and leverage seasonal trends. Promote summer-appropriate items (e.g., outdoor gear, camping equipment, kayaks) and back-to-school necessities (e.g., school supplies, college essentials, cold medicine).

Mistake #4: Setting budgets that are too conservative. Those willing to spend more often see the most substantial growth. While cost-per-clicks may increase, so do conversion rates. 

Don’t be afraid to invest heavily. The returns can justify the expenditure. Monitor performance throughout the day and be ready to reallocate budgets to top-performing ads. Start ramping up your bids and budgets three to four weeks before the event to build momentum and better position your products.

Mistake #5: Underutilizing Sponsored Brand Ads. Typically, brands spend around 20% of their budget on these ads throughout the year, but this ad type performs exceptionally well during Prime Day.

Leverage the power of Amazon’s sponsored campaigns. Allocate a substantial portion of your budget to Sponsored Brand Ads for increased visibility. Use Sponsored Display Ads to retarget potential shoppers who have shown interest in your products, while using video ads to capture attention and boost brand recall. 

Mistake #6: Raising bids and budgets too early. This can lead to exhausted budgets by early evening. Brands often decide on a fixed number of advertised ASINs and split their budget evenly among them. 

Be flexible enough to reallocate your budget accordingly. Many consumers shop and convert later in the evening, so ensure your ads show at peak times like 7, 8, or 9 PM. Monitor performance throughout the day, double down on top performers and adjust budgets dynamically. Know when to turn off your deals, and revert settings by late evening on the second day to avoid overspending.

Mistake #7: Forgetting about the Halo Effect after Prime Day. Two critical strategies are often overlooked: retargeting and cross-selling.

Don’t ignore post-Prime Day opportunities. Implement lead-out strategies like retargeting and cross-selling to maintain momentum. Set benchmarks before Prime Day and be ready to revert to your pre-Prime Day bids and budgets immediately after the event. Failing to do so can lead to wasted money, lower conversion rates, and decreased efficiency, negatively impacting your SERP relevancy and organic ranking. Have a bulk sheet prepared detailing your historical spending and bids that drove growth. 

For additional preparation tips and insights, check out our Prime Day guide and checklist.

Monk Thoughts The Amazon shopper is very price conscious. They're looking for the best deal unless they’re brand loyal and looking for a specific product. To stand out, ensure your product appears in top search results, is competitively priced, and features high-quality images and compelling infographics.
Headshot; Amberleigh Benner, Director of Account Management

Playing the long game for incremental growth on Amazon.

Prime Day should not be viewed in isolation. It’s an opportunity to highlight your brand, gain new-to-brand shoppers and liquidate older inventory. More importantly, it’s a chance to capture consumers who may not have planned to buy immediately but are enticed by the discounts. This can lead to continued engagement and sales weeks or even months down the line. Think of Prime Day as a way to set the stage for future interactions with your brand. 

By optimizing your product listings and advertising strategies, you can make the most of Prime Day and drive substantial sales. At the same time, avoiding common mistakes and starting your preparations early can lead you to success. Focus on strategic planning, monitor your campaigns closely, and be ready to adapt to changing conditions. With these strategies in place, you’re well-equipped to achieve your Prime Day goals.

Ready to craft a winning Prime Day strategy? 

Our expertise lies in creating tailored strategies for incremental growth on Amazon. Contact us for expert advice and detailed plans to amplify your Prime Day results. 


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