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Artificial Intelligence

Introducing Monks.Flow

An AI-centric managed service that streamlines how humans and machines work together.




Case Study


Trade manual workloads for intelligent workflows

It goes without saying that AI is transforming our relationship with work. But even though numerous tools and solutions have helped employees gain efficiencies in specialized tasks, they remain ultimately disconnected: people must move between software environments, coordinate with others across the team at every step, and so on. That’s why we built Monks.Flow, an AI-centric professional managed service that streamlines how humans and machines interoperate at every step of the marketing journey, from building business intelligence to delivering hyper-personalized creative.

Monks.Flow weaves together best-in-class talent with the greatest AI tools, API's and models, all within highly orchestrated pipelines. The platform-agnostic environment is designed to work across an organization’s existing tech stack, and is built around the unique needs of the enterprise, helping marketers achieve numerous business goals:

  • Reduce costs. Make marketing workflows more efficient, effective and experience driven with synthetic media that maximizes quantity and manages cost.
  • Integrate. De-silo the organization by connecting and automating tools, people and processes.
  • Build business intelligence. Make informed decisions through live data streams, ensuring adaptability to shifts in tech, culture and audience needs.
  • Maximize impact. Reach new audiences, drive business outcomes and deliver new growth.
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Award-winning solutions

Monks.Flow has been honored with the Business Intelligence Group’s Artificial Intelligence Excellence Award in the Hybrid Intelligent System category.

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 Monks.Flow motion GIF showing an image brief being turned into a production workflow in the Monks.Flow UI


Get inside the minds of your target audience

One of the flagship capabilities of Monks.Flow is Persona.Flow, which provides deep consumer intelligence by simulating detailed, interactive consumer personas that are engaged in a question-and-answer format. Facilitated by a RAG framework that orchestrates brand and factual consumer data, Persona.Flow provides brands with insights they need to fuel content generation and performance creative at scale.

screenshot of a chat with an AI-powered marketing persona

In partnership with

Our Partners Media.Monks is a key partner, leveraging NVIDIA AI and Omniverse platforms and accelerated computing to build groundbreaking AI solutions within Monks.Flow. Their breadth and depth of AI knowledge will help organizations across every industry take advantage of this opportunity.

Jamie Allan

Director of Business Development, Global Agencies & Advertising

Want to go with Monks.Flow? Get in touch.


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