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From Prime Day to Holidays: Using the Halo Effect to Keep the Momentum Going on Amazon

Commerce Commerce, Retail media, Seasonal marketing, eCommerce Platforms 4 min read
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Xuanmai Vo
Content Marketing Manager


Prime Day’s benefits don’t have to end when the event ends. Our experts agree: the work doesn’t stop once Prime Day is over. To truly capitalize on Prime Day’s success, you must plan your post-Prime Day strategies in advance, leveraging the halo effect for incremental growth on Amazon. Strategize to extend your sales momentum into busy seasons like back-to-school, the Turkey 5 (Black Friday and Cyber Monday) and the holidays. Each promotional period requires tailored approaches based on your brand’s goals and product seasonality. While the mechanics of preparation—like advertising and content readiness—remain consistent, the specifics might vary depending on the product launch and targeted keywords. Ultimately, it’s about aligning promotional strategies with the overarching goals for each sales event. Here’s how you can plan for post-Prime Day conversions. 

Prime Day might end after two days, but your sales momentum should continue. 

Adjust your bids and budgets back to their pre-Prime Day settings to avoid diminishing returns as ROAS drops due to deal fatigue. Wyatt Burley, our senior advertising manager highlights, “Maintaining the same strategy post-Prime Day will waste money, lower conversion rates, reduce efficiency and negatively impact your SERP relevancy and organic ranking, leading to long-term business consequences.” 

With that out of the way, let’s focus on what you should do after Prime Day ends. By understanding what worked and what didn’t, you can refine your strategies for future events. 

Monitor and analyze performance. Conduct a thorough analysis to identify areas for improvement by examining key metrics such as sales, conversion rates, customer acquisition and traffic sources. Dive deeper into long-tail metrics, including the number of new-to-brand customers acquired, glance view lifts, and assess the duration of these effects. This data will help your team understand the broader impact of your Prime Day efforts.

Align with your goals. Ensure that your post-Prime Day analysis aligns with the goals you set before the event. Whether it was increasing visibility, boosting sales or acquiring new customers, make sure you evaluate each lever that contributed to these goals.

Analyze competitor strategies. Plan to analyze what your competitors did during Prime Day and how they performed. Megan Boyko, our Account Director, suggests, “Take note of what the competition did because that may be telling for what they’re going to do for future promotional periods.” This information can help you refine your strategies and anticipate market trends.

Maintain advertising momentum. Don’t stop your advertising efforts once Prime Day ends. Instead, adjust your strategy to capitalize on the increased traffic and interest. Johnathon Braga, a Senior Advertising Manager, notes, “There’s a six-week window where you should retarget all the non-converters and cross-sell to those who didn’t purchase.” This extended advertising push can help maintain visibility and drive additional sales.

Leverage customer feedback. Reviews, ratings and social media comments can offer valuable insights into how your products were received. Use this feedback to address negative comments and to highlight positive reviews in your marketing efforts. This information is valuable for making necessary adjustments to your products or listings.

Leverage the halo effect to enhance your back-to-school sales and extend Prime Day momentum into the holiday season. 

Prime Day is part of a larger promotional calendar. Leverage the insights gained to prepare for upcoming events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday and other peak shopping periods. The same principles apply across all sales events. Brands need to examine not just the bottom-line sales but also glance views, conversion rates and both organic and paid traffic. Analyzing performance product-by-product is required to understand what drove the lift and identify any underperformers. Comparing this data with platform category performance reports helps forecast and refine strategies. This detailed analysis ensures that brands can effectively make informed decisions and optimize future promotions. 

The halo effect refers to the continued increase in brand awareness and sales following a major event like Prime Day. Increased visibility and heightened consumer interest create lasting brand impressions. Shoppers who engaged with your brand during Prime Day are more likely to return for back-to-school supplies and holiday gifts, driven by their previous positive experiences. The data collected during Prime Day, such as top-performing products and shopper preferences, can inform more targeted and effective promotional strategies for these upcoming events. Here’s how to leverage it: 

  • Analyze the data for targeted campaigns. Determine which products performed best, which customer segments were most engaged and which promotional tactics drove the highest conversions. This information can guide your back-to-school and holiday campaigns. For instance, if certain school supplies or holiday gifts experienced a surge in sales, prioritize these items in your upcoming promotions. Tailor your messaging to address the preferences and behaviors observed during Prime Day. 

  • Extend promotions and prepare for retargeting. With a whole new audience now familiar with your brand, aim to get them to make their second or third purchase within a few weeks after the event. Implement retargeting campaigns that remind shoppers of their Prime Day engagement and offer incentives to return. The goal is to keep your brand top-of-mind and encourage repeat purchases. 

  • Focus on content optimization. Now that you have fresh data, analyze shopper feedback and reviews to identify areas for improvement. Update your product listings with enhanced images, videos and detailed descriptions that address common questions or concerns. Ensuring your content is polished and informative will improve the shopping experience and boost conversions during the busy back-to-school and holiday seasons. 

  • Capitalize on seasonality and timing. Begin planning your back-to-school campaigns immediately after Prime Day. Highlight essentials like stationery, electronics, apparel or dorm room essentials to cater to students and parents. As you transition into the holiday season, emphasize gift ideas, festive decorations and exclusive holiday bundles. Align your promotions with key shopping dates and trends to maximize impact.

Wrap up Prime Day by sustaining momentum and driving incremental growth. 

If the past years have told us anything, it’s that Prime Day’s benefits can extend far beyond the two-day event. By planning these post-Prime Day strategies in advance, you can sustain momentum, drive continuous growth and turn one-time shoppers into loyal customers. These steps also allow you to analyze your Prime Day performance and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns. 

Ready to maximize your post-Prime Day success? 

Contact us for tailored advice and detailed tips to keep the momentum going. 


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